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Insurance Agent

Quality Assurance

Our Quality Assurance Division is dedicated to providing the oversight necessary to guarantee you receive the highest quality work product possible. We at CIA know that providing a top-quality product is crucial to our success as a company, and we take that very seriously.

General Oversight

Our QA Division has access to all CIA files in an effort to ensure CIA’s high quality standards are met. This division regularly performs many functions, to include:

Monitor report timeliness.

Makes certain CIA imposed high-quality standards are met.

Perform periodic file audits to ensure highest quality.

Ensures consistent work product from coast to coast for all lines of business.

Implement tailored action plans, as needed, to meet specific client requests.


Crystopher Simonca

Quality Assurance Manager



Customizable Quality

We understand that our client partners have unique procedures that drive their business. The QA Division can work with your team to provide customized oversight of your assignments to ensure CIA is exceeding the specific metrics that matter to you.

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